For Glory

On October 3rd, 2014, I downloaded Super Smash Bros. For Nintendo 3DS. I had waited for this game for over a year, and then the time finally come. I went to my local Gamestop to pick up a copy of the game, and sadly they were out of stock. I decided just to download it off of the eShop instead. I was so hyped for this game that I skipped work the day it came out just to play it.
After I downloaded the game, I started playing it immediately. After I completed Classic and All-Star modes with all characters and had unlocked all stages, I decided to try the online mode. I played a few matches with friends first off to get a feel for playing online. About 4 hours of playing with friends, I decided to try out "For Glory" mode. But then strange things started happening.
As I clicked the option for "For Glory" mode, I heard a strange shriek coming from my 3DS. The screen faded to black, then I saw the words "turn back" written in blood on the screen. The options "yes" and "no" then appeared on my screen. I decided to click "yes" and then the screen faded to black again. I was taken to the character selection screen, but it was not normal. All of the characters had there eyes bleeding out, except for the character that didn't have eyes. I selected my character like normal, and then preceded to the pre-match.
When the match began, I saw that I was facing against a Little Mac. The thing that I found odd about this was that the Little Mac was covered in blood and sweat and that his eyes were bleeding. I also noticed that the person who was playing as Little Mac's name was "666". I started playing, and I saw that Little Mac would receive battle damage Fox punched him. I won the match, but instead of the usual victory theme scene there instead was Fox lying on the ground crying tears of blood while saying "I've won, but at what costs?" Then Fox fell over DEAD!
I was so freaked out by this that I threw my 3DS against the wall and then flushed it down the toilet. I haven't played Smash 4 since.